• 23 Newry Road, Camlough, Newry (Head Office)
  • 24 Hour Helpline: +44 7596 639487
  • Office Hours: 028 308 39943
  • management@thebraininjuryfoundation.com
thebraininjuryfoundation get involved


Membership is open to anyone with a brain injury of any kind, to the carers and family members of individuals with a brain injury, to volunteers and to anyone with an interest in brain injury. For the individual with a brain injury and for a maximum of two carers or family members of that individual, full membership is available. A carer is considered to be a family member who has responsibility for looking after a brain injury survivor or responsible for their affairs.

In cases where this is not possible another person may be admitted subject to the approval of the Management Committee. For all others, Associate membership is available. Associate members do not have the right to vote nor to serve on the Management Committee and will normally pay the full costs of any activities or services of which they may avail.

For historical reasons there are some people who do not fulfil the normal conditions for Full membership but who will be entitled to Full membership.These names are detailed in our constitution.

In the future, others who do not meet the normal requirements for Full membership may be admitted to full membership if in the opinion of the Committee they have shown a sustained high level of commitment to the organisation over a period of time.

Membership T&C

Members must normally be over 18 years of age but…

Applications & Fees

Applications for membership must be made on the appr…


Full Membership Application Form
Associate Application Form

Benefits of Membership

All members have access to our Centre and are welcome to participate in any of our activities. All members receive a newsletter by post 10 times a year and have access to a free texting service. Members can access the free telephone helpline service at any time. Members can be assisted to complete forms for welfare benefits.

Membership of BIF will improve your quality of life, help you make new friendships, develop your skills, give you time out and companionship and provide you with constant support.


There are opportunities for volunteering with us. We particularly welcome volunteers who can help with fund raising, volunteer drivers, volunteer befrienders and volunteers who may have a skill which they could pass on to our members. Volunteers receive an induction session and approved expenses can be met. All applicants for volunteering are vetted under the Access NI scheme and this happens before anyone can volunteer with us. You can download a volunteer information pack here.

Volunteer Policy

Find out all about our volunteer policy here…

Volunteer Form

Download the form and sign up to volunteer today…


We raise much of our income from fund raising and expect all members to assist with this work. Examples of what we do on a regular basis include bag packs, raffles, sale of goods made by members, sponsored events, Christmas Fayre.

Members are encouraged to organise events themselves and some have organised coffee mornings, sky dives, concerts etc.A list of potential fund raising ideas can be accessed using the link below. Contact the office if you have any fund raising ideas and we will support you as much as we can.

A-Z Fundraising Ideas

View a full list of creative ideas to help the foundation here…

Just Giving is an online fund raising service which we use. It can be accessed here. Members can make a donation online or organise their own fund raising event on line. We receive Gift Aid on all donations made through this website.

Gift Aid is a government scheme which allows us to claim 25p for every pound any  taxpayers donate. We have been Specsavers nominated charity for 18 months during which time they have raised the fantastic sum of £3,500 for us.We have received support in various forms from private companies and individuals.

Sometimes this comes as gifts in kind our solicitor has given substantial amounts of free advice and members have contributed items for use in our centre. If you can encourage a business to sponsor us in any way please do so.

Membership Terms & Conditions

The Brain Injury Foundation have the following Terms & Conditions for membership:

  • Members must normally be over 18 years of age but applications will also be accepted from children and young people. However, certain restrictions will apply to the activities and services they are allowed to access. Details of these restrictions are available on request.
  • Applications for membership must be made on the appropriate form and are not active until approved by the Management Committee. New members will normally be expected to attend An Open House session to meet some of the Committee prior to submitting their application.
  • The organisation will not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexuality, disability, religious or political belief, marital status or age.


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Membership Application & Fees

Membership fees are £25 per person for Full membership and £15 per person for Associate membership or for membership of people under 18 years of age. Fees are fixed at the Annual General Meeting and are due annually in September of each year. Members who join between September and June in any year will have to pay the appropriate fee and then pay again in the following September. Anyone joining between July and September will not have to pay again until September of the following year. Membership fees are not refundable under any circumstances. Membership is not transferable.

As we currently are not in receipt of any Government funding for the provision of services we have a policy of asking members to make a financial contribution to the costs of all activities. The balance of our costs are met through fund raising.

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